A list of sites that I have made over the years, each item contains the site's name and what the main goal of the site is/was
Sold Market is a site which is still being developed. My friend founded it originally with some friends of his that completely forgot about the project.Sold Market is an online store where you can buy from a wide variety of products. From things like virtual giftcards to top ups for mobile applications. In addition to that you can also buy games from some of the biggest gaming platforms such as Steam and Epic games.
UNAVAILABLEROSCRIPTS is an alternative to the official Roblox devforum. It was originally created in 2022.The site no longer receives updates as it is not that useful anyways considering the fact that the official Roblox devforum is way better than ours.
http://roscripts.rf.gdPyrospheregames was a small site made for a Roblox games studio that nowdays longer exists. In addition the site is broken and no longer works.
https://pyrospheregames.glitch.meThis site would be used for the user interface for the Sold Market website though we had made the decision to use a framework instead.
https://immense-troubled-please.glitch.meFOROLTUBE was a crappy YouTube ripoff I hade made with my friend several years ago.It no longer exists and the source code has been lost.
UNAVAILABLEBussin' Experiences was a website for my Roblox studio which exists up to this date though new games will not be released.